The Effect of Global Warming

In today’s modern world that we have managed to achieve through countless sacrifices, some of the things that we’re forced to sacrifice is our environment, the same planet that we live in. due to the pollutions caused by our ancestors, the planet is now experiencing a terrible phenomenon known as global warming. This phenomenon affects every living thing on this planet without discrimination and will bring with it increased events of natural disasters, health problems and possible extinction of certain species of wildlife.Among the foremost noticeable effect of global warming is the massive increase, strength and suddenness of natural disasters. The most obvious weather effect that can appear is the drought due to the temperature of the earth increasing, as what the name of the phenomenon is. In India, as said by Emily Wax (2007), the main source of water for the Ganges River during the summer, the Gangotri glacier, has melted faster than it ever did twenty years ago. This will at first cause the sudden loss of fresh water, but will ultimately turn the Ganges into a seasonal river, depending entirely on monsoon rain to supply it with water and will cause it, the holiest river for Hindus to be unable to be used for its usual rituals and will devastate the lives of Hindus around the world and not just those who live beside it. Another event that can transpire from this increase of global temperature is stronger and more frequent typhoons (Markham, 2009). As we can already see in the news from the infamous Typhoon Katrina, the numbers of this tropical storm is increasing. And this is an already established effect with it looking nowhere like decreasing anytime soon.Though it is bad, but weather conditions are nowhere as bad as the next effect, which is the general decrease of health conditions globally (Bergman, 2011). Once again, the most direct sickness that has increased in number during this period is heat stroke, caused by the extreme heat rise. According to Larsen (2003), the population of Europe is reduced by 30,000 people due to heat stroke related deaths. Also, infectious disease brought by mosquitoes will increase in number due to the fact that mosquitoes have their habitat increase in area, as mentioned by  the Natural Resources Defense Council.As we can see from the above facts, the natural disasters, health issues and animal extinctions happening no thanks to the sheer brutality of heat increase in the Earth has left many people in despair, and might just causes people to cross the moral event horizon. And this condition is almost totally irreversible, unless if humans can somehow suck in all that gases using a giant vacuum and stores them in space somewhere. The fact is, until the inevitable Apocalypse arrives, these effects will only worsen and become so bad that all humanity will be destroyed before apocalypse arrives or is actually the apocalypse itself. No matter how, we humans must not stop from doing anything that can slow this impending doom of ours, even ever-so-slightly, for the collective minds of the future generations that we are supposed to represent, and later, protect the future’s future, might just find ourselves a breakthrough in our fight to survive this onslaught of heat. Until then, we will give all our prayers and the best of luck for the survival of humanity, for history has shown, beyond any reasonable doubt, that resilience is what made man, man.In conclusion, series episode of natural disaster, declining health issues as well extinction of wildlife are among the many effects of global warming. As a people who love their country, we must find a way to prevent global warming. This is because our nature is the place where we were staying and a habitat for animal to lives in forest and in marine. Thus, we must take care of our nature in order to prevent global warming in our life for the sake of our family, ancestor, and all habitats that lives in this world. In certain extremely severe cases, it is also known that global warming could endanger some species and even causes them to become extinct (Brown & Leipold, 2007). Among the causes for this is the fact that excessive heat will kill wildlife. As Leahy (2004) mentioned in his article,  red foxes that have moved further north could threaten the lives of the arctic foxes, due to the fact that they are smaller, weaker and their habitat is getting hotter. Also, the banishment of coral reefs, as mentioned in an article by the World Wildlife Funds, will cause not only the deaths and loss of the corals themselves, but also the marine wildlife that inhabits the area around the corals themselves, which will cause the population close by to experience loss in income from scuba diving activities.

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