your EYES :

I love your eyes,
Those twinkling eyes,
They speak a thousand things.

It glows and I drown in its intensity,
I would love to stay there forever.

It evokes myriad memories,
And leaves an imprint of me.

I consider myself lucky enough,
To have experienced its warmth.

When cupid's arrow strike,
The world seems apparelled in celestial light,
Like the glory and freshness of your eyes.

Just like morning dew,

Every time I look into your eyes,
I'm lost in innumerable memories,
Thus forgetting the world behind me.

I wouldn't expect anything much,
Than just to being a part of your eyes.

ssllurrppeey :

hurmmm, sedap dpt mkan eskrem WALL paddle pop rainbow ditambah plak ngn roti GARDENIA.. ermmmm :P

Lame xmkan eskrem nih, tringat plak kt umah, ayah slalu belikan eskrem.. huhu..

Nak harapkan aku yg belikan, memang ar aku beli cornetto jer.. pling best kalau dapat makan eskrem kit kat! hurmmm,awesome..


Tell me why ?
Why do you have to lie?
Should've realised that you
Should've told the truth
Should've realised
You know what I'll do

You're a liar
Now I wanna know
Why you never look me in the face
Broke a confidence just to please your ego
Should've realised
You know what I know

You're a liar
I know where you go everybody you know
I know everything that you do or say
So when you tell lies I'll always be in your way
I'm nobody's fool and I know all
Because I know what I know

You're a liar
I think you're funny, you're funny ha ha
I don't need it don't need your
Blah Blah you fool
Should've realised I know what you are
A big liar

You're in suspension

Budak Batu 5 ~

geng batu 5,2011..
atas dr kiri: abg lee, ayed, izzat, atha, load.
tengah: zera, ali, darus, muhsin, yus.
bawah: khairul, isma, donat, emree, alip.
(account student)

geng batu 5, 15 org serumah.. nmpak mcm ramai,tp bile masuk rumah rase mcm kosong jer..
ahahahaha.. maklumlah,rumah banglo 2 tingkat.. hehehe..
happy bsama u'olls guys..
kenangan pling bez time wat BBQ kt umah sblom puasa.. time 2 pling bez.. ramai lg yg hadir bsama time BBQ.. ahaha.. then bsama korang jugak,aku kne time birthday aku.. pukul 3 pagi di angkat keluar rumah sbb nk kenekan aku.. heppy mmg laa heppy.. tp bau nye X ILANG bro..
xpe2, REVENGE tetap ade.. jgn risau.. i'm promise dat.. ahahahaha.
so harap2 ade lg event2 yg bez lps ni.. mgkin majlis raye ke.. heehee..

thanks u'olls..

zaman sekolah..

my classmate mase form 4 & 5.. class 402/502 sains tulen dan perakaunan..
belakang dari kiri: Din, Faiz, Yoe, Nik Khairil, Syazril, Faizal, Nik Ariff, Lukman, Faisal, Fadhil, Paan, Pizi and ME..
tengah dari kiri: Muhsin, Khuldi, Munir dan Aiman..
depan dari kiri: Along, Munirah, Shahira, Ainun, Nurul, Saidah, Wani, Hidayah, Dayah..

miss u'olls..harap2 ade lg wat renion untuk BACTH 2004.. byk sangat2 crite yg nk yg dah jumpe hari2 pun ada..hahahaha

kenangan mase skolah2 dulu sentiasa di ingatan..hahaha..susah jgk klau dlm kelas rmai sgt lelaki,smpai boleh jd kelas nakal..ahahaha

hope dpt jumpe korg lg =)